

Electronics and tools

Dampers where you don't expect them: Robolinho®


Electronics and tools



We love innovative applications: we like to be present where you don't expect it!

The Robolinho® robotic lawnmower integrates the Dampers F Series Cultraro into the lid.

The Robolinho® robotic lawnmower is a perfect example: small, quiet and safe, this lawnmower works in total autonomy. Just program it and it will mow your gardens while you will have more time for family and your hobbies.

Inside this lawnmower there are F series Cultraro dampers

Inside this lawnmower there are F series Cultraro dampers that fit perfectly into the dynamic design of the robot, slowing the lid so that it does not slam when you open it to access the settings.

The choice to use a damper is a small, but innovative detail to improve the experience of using the product.

To learn more about Robolinho®, visit the website.

To find out more about the Cultraro range of dampers and their specific characteristics, as well as the many applications in which they can be used, visit our website or or write to us at


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